Friday, March 27, 2009

begin with the end in mind......................

sekarang bersamaan pukul 10.36.....saya bukan berada dalam kelas...hurm kelas tutorial berjalan seperti biasa..namun tiada apa yang pelu diucapkan.... pagi-pagi lagi air mata da kuar....datang kelas english macam xde mood...kesian teacher... maaf teacher.... hati nie tak tenang.... tiba-tiba jer ada ungkitan pasal hak..... lets make it a secret for me........ luv ya... i need to finish up my past year..... as preparation to physic lecture...... tpi mungkin lecture physic pun akan di-skip...... wat je la.... you know what is the meaning of this word.... "BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND" haha............ actually..... it is refer to what i'm doing right now.... skip your class right think about it for million times.....


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