Thursday, April 25, 2013

printer waktu panas dan berat

aku ada test esok...

printer aku nazak duk kat tepi katil aku....

heart rate dia.....oh dah 30 beat kebawah....

dah tak lama nampaknya.......

aku usap badannya.........

mungkin ini kali terakhir aku puji dia......

kau bagus suatu ketika dahulu......


sampai sudah masanya.........

kau pergi meninggalkan aku jua......

aku cuma perlu kau bertahan sedikit masa lagi.....

nampaknya dirimu......sudah tidak tertahan lagi......

kau pergi jua......


esok aku ada test haba dan berat....

ingatkah dikau suatu ketika dahulu....

berpanas kita dek kerna haba si mentari.....

berberat2 kita kerna kotakmu yang berat.....

namun semuanya kita gagahi....aku maksudkan aku gagahi.....

demi niat kita yang suci.....

mengprint nota dan dokumen yg pasti....

aku seolah lupa jasamu kini......



selamat tinggal............

aku pasti maut akan menjemputku suatu ketika nanti....

terima kasih untuk segalanya

khidmatmu berhenti di sini

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Hari nie....aku tengok gwiyomi kat utube...

and aku end up comment....sillly....

i just try to be myself..

ya la...if i'm going to say they're cute

it turns out to be some pleasantries...

no sincere...

i'm not a gay

 liking those stupid...hideous thing.....

sorry to say....i'm really sorry for those who like this gwiyomi thingy...

and i think i'm not going to watch it again..that's it...


aku suka learn bahasa...

setiap hari aku akn hafal bhasa....

walaupun later on.....

i'll only learn how to pronounce...

not knowing what they're writing about...

i'm feel at ease about that


i never give up to learn language

btw.....gwiyomi thingy is a part of language

ya...body language...maybe

suck it up dude.....

if u like it just watch it over n over again

if it's turn out u hate it...

be like me....

kutuk sikit...n stop watching dat video

banyak dan gila

Banyak gila benda nak kena solve….

Aku rasa banyak gila….

Mungkin boleh mati….

Ada kat otak…..

Tapi x terzahir…….

        2. visi….
        3. matlamat………………

Kawan aku kata….

Nak jadi blogger….


Baru la blogger…..

Hahahaaaaa…..kita bkn blogger srius……………

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I’m 23 this year and abah is 63 this year

We’re not talking that much nowadays…

Me…at home just a quiet girl….

Like a ghost…

And my abah really miss me…

He misses the way we use to be

Talking…laughing….eating together…sharing problem….

I know….

That’s why he keep scolding me….

Sometimes for nothing….

He keeps gaining my attention by scolding me…

But i…let my mouth shut and ignore what he doing…..

Some other time…I was really hurtful by what he did…

He scold me because others wrong doing

Maybe he doesn’t know it wasn’t my fault…

There’s one time when I was in mecca…

He scolds me again…..and I stand up for myself….

I ask him…

“What makes you piss off right now?”

He answer

“I was very sick wani…abah ada sakit jantung and it is automatic response”

Which then I reply

“wani pun sama!!!ok abah boleh buat apa yg abh nak….. I don’t care….do as long as you feel satisfied about it….”

Later on….i sees his saddened face……..

And seem like the situation never get better….

Until now

Saturday, April 6, 2013

that is us

what makes best friend, best friend....

actually is it about a time......

how long the people know each other....

because it takes time to learn about a person...

learning about what they like...and what they don't.. their flaws...intolerable habits...

what's cool about that, that is

only best friends show their true self

and only with u, they share their deep dark secret....

once, you get to know all about that...

you'll learn to accept the flaws...and for those who managed to do so.....

they'll become better friend....close friend

it's kind of hard work.....


when you try to look back.....

it's pretty hard to change for someone....being able to change someone..

or at the very least.......being influence to who they are and become....

adapting every single thing about them....

i think that's a best friend suppose to be

u know...u're not going to be the best for nothing right........

so happy holiday fren....